Former RPMS Team Members Renee, Chris and Tracy join South Australian Market Leader – Rental Property Network.
Rental Property Network is thrilled to announce the appointment of Renee Seidel, Tracy Hansford, and Chris Readett, who join us from another local northern suburbs business, RPMS Rentals.
RPMS Rentals, a local business, was established over twenty years ago as a specialist Property Management company. Renee, Tracy and Chris have operated the Property Management Department for fifteen years, and due to the sale of the Rental Portfolio, decided to join Rental Property Network.
The team of three have provided exemplary service to both Landlords and Tenants for one and a half decades, a level of continuity rarely seen in the industry outside of Rental Property Network. While this recruitment is extremely exciting for Rental Property Network, who have instantly added 45 years of experience to the team, the real winners are Landlords who can work with this delightful trio.
Principal Moni Mazzeo says, “We’ve worked out of the same premises for a couple of years now, and we’ve gotten to know each other. Tracy, Renee and Chris have always been friendly, and we’ve chatted in and out of the office. I’ve seen first-hand how dedicated they are to their clients, both Landlords and Tenants, and I’ve been impressed with their respectful interaction.”
The trio is a perfect fit for market leaders Rental Property Network, keen to recruit experienced Property Managers who add value to their extensive portfolio of Investors. Moni says, “It’s not easy to join our team; we only recruit the best Property Managers, and our training program is intense. To progress through, new team members and the company require a high degree of commitment.”
Rental Property Network was established in 2013 to change Property Manager’s remuneration, provide a better work-life balance and advanced training while promoting an environment where positive mental health is valued. Principal Moni Mazzeo is an MHFA trainer and believes support can make all the difference to the longevity and enjoyment of a Property Manager’s career. So strong is her belief that she is completing her Master’s research focussing on the mental health of Property Managers in Australia, and she hopes to continue with further research after completing this initial groundwork.
State Manager Taryk Mazzeo said, “Since we acquired the Edge portfolio in 2021, we have been working to find the perfect team members for our large group. This recruitment is not a simple process, and the RPMS Rentals team were subjected to our stringent recruitment procedure where, ultimately, the decision was unanimous. They are a great fit and have the necessary experience, skill, and values our organisation requires.”
The company is committed to providing the best Property Management service in South Australia and is always seeking to connect with new Property Managers who are passionate about the role and want to advance their careers. This recruitment is undoubtedly a coup for the prominent South Australian Business, and all three have hit the ground running. If you have an investment that you would like managed by any one of this fabulous trio, please call:
Chris Readett on 0459 221 023,
Tracy Hansford on 0422 141 322, or
Renee Seidel on 0413 981 284.